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Stachys coccineus

Stachys coccineus
SKU: 92830
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18" tall x 18" wide (seed propagated). The ultimate plant for hummingbirds. This Southwestern native is a non-stop bloomer from midsummer on, with spikes of tubular red flowers. (Our strain originates from Pima County, AZ at altitudes of 3,000-6,500 ft.). The attractive dark green foliage is also fragrant. This plant needs only average garden soil and regular watering to thrive. Remove faded flower spikes to keep the flowers coming.
key features
Botanical Name
Stachys coccineus
Attracts Hummingbirds, Deer Resistant, Rabbit Resistant, Fragrant
Growing Zones
Zone 7, Zone 8, Zone 9
Light Requirements
Full Sun, Morning Sun & Afternoon Shade
Soil Moisture
Mature Height
18" tall
Mature Spread
18" wide
Bloom Time
Early to late summer