by High Country Gardens
Tips to Looking After your Garden over the Summer

Everything's blooming, and the greenery couldn't be better, there's nothing like enjoying the fruits of all that labor. However, as you well know, a gardener's work is never done. We can always see a few more things that need tending.
Below are a few mid-summer reminders for perking up the garden.
Soil and Watering
- Loosen hard packed soil to aerate and allow water to penetrate
- Use mulch to moderate soil temperatures
- Newly installed plants may need frequent waterings during heat spells; check drip system emitters
- Divide lilies, irises and poppies after they've bloomed
- Keep up with weeding
- Dead-head flowers (but leave a few spikes and stalks of re-seeding plants such as Columbine, Chocolate Flower, Blue Flax and any of the Penstemons)
- Shear back the flowers on ground covers, such as Veronica and Thyme, to stimulate a thicker mass
- Plant the warm weather native grass lawns such as Blue Grama and Buffalo
- Use high quality balanced fertilizer such as liquid Earth Juice
- Give a dose of root stimulator
Really, all this isn't a lot to do and it will give your plants that mid-summer boost and let you take pleasure in your garden for a few more weeks.
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